Christian Thompson Photographer

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The Grand River Suite in Derbyshire Wedding Photographer

A wonderful Wedding at The Grand River Suite in Derbyshire!

In April, I had an incredible time photographing the wedding of the absolutely gorgeous Ritika & Sunny at the excellent Grand River Suite in Derbyshire. There were so many wonderful moments to capture - traditions such as The Milni - a wonderful fun celebration during which family members meet, exchange garlands and attempt to pick each other up! The winner of the contest is the one who lifts the other high into the air (more about that later). I love the tradition that is the bride and groom changing outfits post ceremony - like I say - so much to capture for a wedding photographer!

At the beginning of the day, I enjoyed being able to capture family members and friends meeting and greeting prior to the Milni. Another brilliant part of the day is that breakfast is served - wonderful!

The Milni begins to sound of drums, announcing the arrival of the groom and his family. The addition of coloured smoke makes for a stunning scene of colour and sound - a treat for eyes, ears and camera alike. Brilliant and hilarious scenes ensue with the mums, dads, brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles all trying to lift each other into the sky to win the contest - what a way to start the day!

Time for some bridal preparations

While the Milni was in full swing, Ritika was hiding away upstairs, perhaps taking the odd peek around the blinds. A short trip upstairs took me to where Ritika was getting ready. An absolutely STUNNING red dress and incredibly beautiful jewelry and gorgeous henna looked amazing (I’m sure you’ll agree) and were a joy for photographs.

The wedding ceremony

When Ritika arrived in the room, walking towards her fiancé, the excitement began - the ceremony was about to start!

Bride & Groom Portraits

When your bride and groom is dressed like this (!) you need some stunning portraits. I took the newly-weds upstairs to grab some portraits with a little creative style. The traditional Indian dress made for very opulent bride and groom photographs.

The Wedding Reception Party!

I have to admit, I love the way that Indian cultures celebrate a wedding! Stunning colour, vibrant dancing and great food! It’s a pleasure to capture, it really is - the dance floors are full and the music is LOUD! Very cool.

Between all the partying, there’s always time for a few more portraits which I think are really important after Ritika and Sunny had got changed into their evening outfits. A little stroll down the riverside, next to the Grand River Suite made for some colourful and natural portraits. After that, making use of the stunning ceiling in the foyer made for a creative end to the gallery.

Such an amazing day. It’s safe to say that I loved photographing this wedding at The Grand River Suite! Thank you for having me along Ritika & Sunny!

Here’s the venue - a great choice for your wedding: GRAND RIVER SUITE - WEDDING AND BANQUETING HALL DERBY