Christian Thompson Photographer

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A Romantic Wedding at Arnot Hill House Nottinghamshire

Jooles and Ian’s Wedding at Arnot Hill House - Stronger Twogether in so many senses of the phrase!

As a wedding photographer I get to meet amazing, inspirational and impressive people and they don’t come much more amazing, inspirational and impressive than the lovely Jooles and Ian.

Late last year, I had the absolute pleasure of photographing this special wedding at Arnot Hill, the lovely Arnold Registration Office.

Let me tell you a little about Jooles and Ian: STRONGERTWOGETHER!

Taken from the website of Stronger Twogether, this intrepid couple will take part in The World’s Toughest Row…


“The race begins in 2025, with up to 40 teams participating from around the world. Rowers have to cope with blisters, salt rashes, sleep deprivation and rowing in two-hour shifts around the clock for weeks on end, facing all the raw elements of the Atlantic Ocean. Boats are typically seven meters long and just under two meters wide, with only a small cabin for protection against storms. All boats are equipped at the race start, and cannot take any repair, help or food and water during the crossing, yet all boats are professionally and reliably built to sustain the full race.

To find out more about the challenge, here’s the website: Home (

I find it quite remarkable that Jooles and Ian will be undertaking this and so this is one of the reasons that I am blogging this wedding - to publicise this epic adventure. Oh, and not forgetting the fact that it looks so beautiful!

Sponsorship Opportunities for Jooles & Ian

If you’re interested in sponsoring this epic challenge, you can find details here: Sponsors (

The Wedding

Let me tell you a little about the day at Arnold Registration Office

I started at Jooles and Ian’s house where the couple were getting ready and I had a great time getting some wedding preparations photographs, using a little creative lighting and sometimes a mirror for some modern-style shots.

The wedding ceremony at Arnot Hill was lovely, full of emotion and happiness and Jooles and Ian looked great in front of the camera (as you’ll see below). Family and friends looked on proudly as the vows were read and the match was made.

There’s always time for some couples portraits to celebrate the wedding and to have something stunning to look back on when you’re dressed up for a wedding. By the way, Jooles and Ian can DANCE!

Check these two out on the website Home ( You’ll be impressed.

Get in contact with me if you’re looking for your own wedding photographer in Nottingham.